Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia occurs infrequently in poultry and is undocumented in parrots. In this study, we describe a blue-crowned conure (Aratinga acuticaudata) with a strongly regenerative anemia, a predominance of round, small erythrocytes (presumed spherocytes), leukopenia followed by leukocytosis, elevated plasma protein, biliverdinuria, and polyuria. Radiography and ultrasonography demonstrated a markedly enlarged spleen. After immunosuppressive treatment with prednisolone, the anemia, abnormal erythrocyte morphology, and biliverdinuria resolved but returned promptly after discontinuation of the therapy. We propose that this conure suffered from an immune-mediated hemolytic anemia.
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1 September 2002
Presumed Immune-Mediated Hemolytic Anemia in a Blue-Crowned Conure (Aratinga acuticaudata)
Jeffery S. Jones,
Jennifer S. Thomas,
Anne Bahr,
David N. Phalen
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery
Vol. 16 • No. 3
September 2002
Vol. 16 • No. 3
September 2002
Aratinga acuticaudata
blue-crowned conure
hemolytic anemia